Learn to read, practice phonics and more.
Use on your computer or download as an app on your tablets.
You can now take AR tests at home for a short while.
Doodle with Mo Willems
Reading, writing and phonics.
Read digital books.
Username: continue
Password: reading
Search for a topic on the home page. Destiny Discover will show great resources to help with your school projects.
Login Information:
Username: Student I.D. #
Password: First name on school records
A weekly print and digital magazine.
Students can listen to books for modeled fluency, read books for practice, and quiz themselves. You can also download this as an app on your tablet.
Login Information:
Teacher User Name: iturner4
Student Password: Student ID #
Read, research and learn! Username: engaged
Password: learning
Online stories read by actors.
The only kids' eBook subscription service that offers thousands of high-quality books from well known publishers like HarperCollins, National Geographic and more. Sign up for a free account.
Research information using gofollett.com Login using your student id# and your first name as your password.
Free Online Read Alouds
Math Sites
Investigations is a state adopted
curriculum for mathematics K-5. Use this
link to access online games. You have a
choice to read or listen to the directions.
Use this
link to access Math Words and Ideas.
Your student will have the opportunity to
learn about math concepts through
these slides and videos. At the end the
students will have time to practice the
concept on their own.
Print and practice 2 minute math drills.
A format where teachers and students
can create or search online video
talks/lessons that spark curiosity for
ST Math is a web-based visual instructional
program that leads to deep conceptual
understanding of math. Math Inquiry. Activation Free Account Sign up
Educational Games and Activities
Use Socrates at home for reading and math.
XtraMath is a free program that helps students master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Sign up for a free account.
BrainPop provides engaging learning games,
animated movies, and activities that are
designed with relevance, depth, and humor
to encourage & challenge students to
reflect, make connections. Username: ortweinccsd
Password: does2018
Various educational math games that support Common Core.
Use this link to complete homework assignments. Login: student id#. Password: student id#
Learn to keyboard and type using the computer. Create a free online account.
Educational games and videos.
You can find over 200 Jams on topics like The Universe , listen to songs about Landforms , and test yourself on concepts learned.
Play games, watch videos, learn about animals, and places, and get fun facts on the National Geographic Kids website.
Games, Reading, Videos!
Learning at the Speed of You
Socrates creates a customized learning path for each child across thousands of topics.
Do science lessons at home.
World Book Encyclopedia online. There are a TON of great things for kids in all grades to do.
Username: ccsd2
Password: ccsd2